Replica Vintage Cans can be purchased in my shop

Replica Vintage Food Cans we have been supplying these uniquely crafted cans to customers worldwide, including restaurants, pubs, coffee shops and vintage tea rooms for cutlery holders. The Vintage cans also add a distinctive flare as wedding table centrepieces. You can add fresh cut flowers or plants for that unique vintage look. Or simply put them on display at home.
My vintage cans have also been used as props by museums and by TV and film production companies. The cans are not originals but exceptionally good quality authentic looking replicas being offered at a fraction of the price.

I have many food label designs and are always adding new designs. The labels range includes fruit, vegetables, milk, alcohol, WWII rations, coffee, soup and fish. Our replica retro, vintage motor car and motorcycle oil cans make great gifts for man caves or car or motor bike enthusiasts. Optional lids available, making the vintage cans versatile for storage options.

However, if you are looking for something in particular, please do get in touch to see if I can help. I enjoy what I do and have a passion for design and history.
I offer a custom service if you would like your own bespoke label with business logo, images, designs or wedding details displayed on the cans.
Please note these replica vintage cans are solely created for props and fun and to give people a nostalgic feeling.